Foamy's rant about Hot Coffee and fat bastards.
Foamy's sick of reality TV as it is, so he invents The Snuff Channel.
Another riveting rant about Fat-Kins Diet...let me kill myself in peace with two thumbs up (can't find the description so just made one up)
Another rant about twisted word play and drunk drivers.
What's with all the rappers putting out sneakers?
The Hatta' rants on all things relevant! (At least to him...)
A rant about the ever annoying experience of eating somewhere.
Another rant about the issues and pains of going out to eat.
Common courtesy is not so common anymore. A Rant about people being a little too sensitives and using their children as an obstacle.
Why are zombies always made by some corporation? Foamy rants about the origins of Zombies!
A short list of human beings that have been ticking off the almighty Foamy.
A special episode made for the A-Kon anime convention way back in the day!
Accidents can happen... anywhere! Especially the home. Foamy rants about an obvious "scientific study"... about "Accidents at Home".
Why do batteries suck!? Foamy rants about battery life and the iPod
A rant about celebrities and our fascination with them.
Another rant about the ever annoying piece of technology known as the cell-phone.
A rant about cell phones, cars, and various annoyances dealing with both.
Some patterns just don't work on clothing...A rant about "urban" clothing and the people suckered into wearing it.
Foamy's eternal wisdom spews forth Dating Advice for the masses.
Everyone's on Meds... why!? A rant about drug users and some of their idiotic excuses for using them.
Remember that Fatkins Diet fad? The classic "Fat-Kins Diet Rant" that got people off the all meat diet returns in HD to remind you that carbs aren't the enemy! Stupidity is!
A rant about how the once mighty forum has become a playground for the intellectually bankrupt.
Hate over-the-top gym teachers? Join the club! Gym Teachers... some are just awful.
What the hell happened to halloween?